Friday, December 17, 2010

Vague Philosophical Musings on Fall Semester 2010

Post finals, post packing and traveling, sitting at the kitchen table in a slower paced section of lifestyles it is easy to gloss the semester into a learning experience and move on without actually learning anything. What was demonstrable, if anything, in the last semester, that should be carried foward for furture reference? 

1.   One will mess up, and one will make the same mistakes multiple times: No, that is not my excuse for habitual burnout. But, I do think it is necessary that we give ourselves some grace in the penance department. That was a lot of religious rhetoric in one sentence and it is probably in misuse; someone can chew me out for that later. The mistakes are, in essence, the same, but there are leaves of difference that can be found, and those are often signs of growth, of change.

2.   Let’s break that down a bit more—one will mess up. Hi, me llamo Not Perfect. Cannot be, will never be anything but a human being. Call it Total Depravity or Human Stupidity Syndrome or What Makes Life Interesting, it is an inevitable reality.

3.   The Reaction is What Matters. It has been established: we mess up. Now what? Or is it messing up? Everything comes down to a choice of movement. Rewriting past choices is not an option but moving is.

I think this, moving, is the most important bit of knowledge that has become more and more a reality to me in the last several years. I will never know what is next. I have already made the mistake of staking x, y, and z on these carefully laid, intricate, unattainable goals and plans, and now I’m in a state of dizzy confusion, blurry minded, now what?! Move. Quit sitting, wallowing, frazzling, just move. Forward or backward, up or down are quasi-irrelevant terms at this point. “Quasi” because sometimes there are informative tidbits called past-experience and because sometimes our perceptions of direction are completely skewed, but usually both. And, yes, it stinks now: I’ve messed up and all I can see are consequences. And looking back one can say: that was a horrid decision. But was it? All strings attached are somehow attached to the present, and would change that one mistake for the sake of retrospect? Most likely not. The mistake has been made and the options are to move or not to move. Move. 

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