Sunday, April 20, 2014


I wrote this piece last year on Easter for my senior project. For the first time in over three years I attended a church(y) service today--Mount Hermon's Sunrise service. Churchy because the message is a telling of the Easter story mostly. (Which I appreciate. I'd rather not a full sermon.) However, this piece still rings quite true for me on the Easter Sunday.
31 March 2013

Holy week. The naming of the days preceding Easter is much more reasonable in the Romance languages. Viernes Santo. Not “Good,” but rather Holy Friday. The days are considered holy. Good, especially in modern English, is quite out of place, so far as I’m concerned.
Church. “Cr-easter Christians.” That term is insulting. As is “Nominal Catholics.” To each her own. Allow that she labels herself according to that with which she most identifies, whether or not her habits are up to the “standards” of said community.
Lapsed Christian that I am, there is a remnant of tradition that pulls me toward the Church on Holy days, paired with a dose of self-inflicted guilt. Yet I do not go. Besides, Jesus didn’t go to Church on what we call Easter. My sin, if I can use such language, my sin is that I am not with others, among friends. That’s what Jesus did. When Jesus rose from the dead, he went and hung out with his friends, after enjoying some gardening.