Thursday, December 13, 2012

Calvin: Act 4 Scene 1

Well—I dun it. One semester down, one to go. Whether or not I actually passed my class is a separate issue. (I’ll go out on an egotistical and cliché limb here and think I did—well, if a D is passing . . . silly Information Technology classes.) I had some good classes this semester. So I really hated the paper for Visual Rhetoric, but surprise, surprise, I didn’t do well on it. Anyway, I prefer the lectures to the analytical confusion. Apply it? What? Okay, so that’s a lie. I do like the analytical stuff. Sometimes.
Visual rhetoric was an fantabulous class. It helps liking the Professor—she’s one cool cat, to say the least—however, I wouldn’t change having chose it if I could. I even enjoyed the final—is that sick or what?
And Creative Non-Fiction—that’s a class I’d take again. Also an excellent professor. (With a sweet puppy; or full grown dog named Maisy who barks along to the U of M fight song “Hail to the Victors.” And barks aggressively at the mention of the Buckeyes. Only in Michigan.) It’s such a lovely thing to be able to write without the constraints of convention: fragment, long sentence, use active voice, just not right . . . To be able to write without those comments and be told that they are an absolutely fine thing, yes, that is so nice. I was called “the Queen of Fragments.” I accidently snorted. It was a compliment, though.
Developmental Psychology, also superb. So much to learn! (Some sex statistics to shock your stockings , too; if you want ‘em, I’ve got ‘em.) And yet another wonderful professor.
We’re lucky here at Calvin. I’ve been über lucky on top of it all. Professors who wear hats they don’t have to, who listen, who teach with passion for the subject and the students, who go to tea/coffee or lunch, who are gifts. Yep. Spoiled. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Trouble with Thinking

Recently I have been dabbling about the denominational doctrines; it’s a dangerous place for this probing puppy. However, that’s what I get for writing a social critique on certain aspects of Christianity: notes from a professor that require explanation and an explanation that opens some windows through which I can peer, windows that provoke musings and questions, questions that invite more conversations . . . you get where this is going. I’m in trouble.
Professor Rienstra has been my go-to-gal for this situation. (Duh. She’s the English professor who teaches the class for which I wrote the critique.) Calvin being staunchly CRC (the professors are all members of a church of said denomination—by obligation—which they are to attend), it seems this might be a poor place to get a wider view—not true. It gets quite tiresome hearing those accusations, actually.
Perhaps as my musings evolve into thoughts (rather than a list of questions) or reflections, they’ll wind up here. Maybe not.