Destination: Alicante, Alicante.
Actually, my destination was Valencia with some friends, but I missed the bus. But it was more important to me to sit and eat breakfast with my mamá than try to get out the door.
PS—breakfast was delicious. Pan tostado (she has a toasting pan that she toasted the bread on), which we ate with aceite y sal (olive oil and salt) y café con leche. Mmmm.
Realizing I had missed the bus, I reverted to my earlier plans (before having been invited to Valencia) and caught the 8:20 train to Alicante. Honestly—I did nothing all day. I was going to try to find the Museum of Contemporary Art but I was more concerned with not being concerned or focused having a schedule or list of to-dos. I’ll have to go back, because I would like to go, this weekend simply wasn’t designed for it.
Drank my first coca-cola. Ever. I kind of like that—my first coca-cola I drank in Spain. Ha. There is something funny about that.
Ate pan recien hecho (recently made) and Spanish cheese (there are lots of cheeses, I don’t know this one’s name, or any, really) for lunch.
When I came back to Denia Sunday morning, I went the ocean directly, put my feet for a bit, and breathed, later enjoying a croissant and café at a panaderia/pastelería, then sitting on a bench in the sun before returning home.
Home. I slept from 14:30 o pico (2:30 or something) until 20 y pico (8 pm and a bit).
Dinner: Ensalada de: purple lettuce (it starts with an r), avocado, celery, seeds, cheese, olive oil, lemon juice . . . mmmm. Huevos revueltos: scrambled eggs with egg plant and some other stuff, I believe—delicious. Sopa: soup, crema de verdura, veggie cream soup, except it tastes like veggies, not cream. Mmm. Happy Sunday.
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