The HE>i decals and the “not of this world” decals.

Jesus/God is bigger, and presumably more important, than the I. Which is
why “I” is expressed with a grammatically incorrect, lowercase vowel. Even
though the sticker does draw attention to the driver. But then again, most all
evangelism struggles with to whom it points when the day is over. So I’ll forgive the ungrammatical HE>i. Even though it is huge and confusing. Maybe since the driver knows what it stands for, it is meant to be a reminder to her, not an announcement to the world?
As for the
“now” stickers. Does it mean “Jesus, come now?” I figured. But then I saw it
paired with “not of this world.” Ah. So the cross is also a “t.” Hm. There is
something rotten in Denmark. Arrogance, perhaps? Pride? I know the
sticker bearers mean no harm.
If this Jesus was FULLY God and also FULLY human, I think (perhaps
wrongly) that he became and was and is part of this world. Don’t forget John 3:17, my Biblical friends: He came not to condemn the world . . .
He ate fish and drank wine and pooped and peed and bled and sweat and stunk and touched dirty feet.
Yes. Of this world. We are all
of this world. And it is good.
Someone in Genesis said, “it is good.”