has been a while since I last wrote—at least for the blog. But between last
post and now, I’ve graduated (or “commenced”) from Calvin College: four years
of strenuous studying, of passionate and inspiring professors, of learning, of
being loved, of struggling, of being cheered on through it all. Four years, and
I have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in Spanish.
Four years and I’ve left bits of my heart scattered at Calvin, throughout Grand
Rapids, in Michigan. Four years, four CAM/walking boots, one semester in Spain
and one semester on academic leave, three communication classes, two psychology
classes, countless books (the beginning of a mini-library), three semesters
with a solid, wonderful counselor, one Festival of Faith and Writing (and a
hankering for more), four years. It has been, as goes the cliché, good, and it
has been hard.